
  ¡Hola! Yo soy Nadja

I'm a teacher of Spanish. I'm from PerĂº but I'm currently living in Spain. I love teaching and learning languages and I'm always looking for new ways to teach and learn easier and that really help.

The story of this blog is simple: I'm currently studying german on my own. When I began, that was more than a year ago, I would have like to have some material like the material that you can find in this page, but in german. On the other hand, I've lately knew some people that are beginning to study Spanish. So, I decided to create this page, with audio material for very beginners. 

The use of these page is totally free. I ask you only to give me your opinion about each entry and give me suggestions about new items to do new ones. I would really appreciate that. You can do it by Comments or writing to me by Contact.

A complement to this page on Instagram:

Basic Spanish with images
